Thursday, January 1, 2009

Crestwood Arts Plaza?

As a Southeast Missouri native, one of the biggest laments I have about my career is that it's difficult to do what I want to do professionally in St. Louis, much less in the rural area where I was raised seventy miles south of it. 

There is no shortage of space in Missouri, and though it may not be a widely known fact, there are a slew of talented artists there, many of whom, like myself, leave the state to persue their careers in other, more metropolitan, cities. This is among the reasons why the following St. Louis Post Dispatch article was so exciting to me that I could hardly read through it without skipping ahead. 

I haven't been so proud to be a St. Louisan (alright, technically, I'm a Farmingtonian) or so excited for the arts in a long time. Way to go St. Louis for thinking creatively in a tough economy, making use of the limitless space you have access to, and, maybe most importantly, for not leaving your "little" city like so many of us have, for more attractive opportunities. 

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